
For binding. Slave lays belly down on the floor, head turned to the left. Wrists are crossed at the small of the back
(left over right), legs are straight with ankles crossed (also left over right).
Left is always over right when binding. A right handed girl has a slightly weaker left hand. If she panics at any time,trying
to get free, it will be more difficult for her to escape her bonds. For left handed girls, the positions would be reversed.
Basest submissive position. Slave will fall to the floor, belly down, and crawl to Master this way. Upon reaching him
she will either press forehead or chin to his feet, whichever he prefers.
a blanket is placed over the slave completely, when this is done the slave must remain still and quiet until the blanket
is removed
Explorers of Gor pg 94
Upon hearing this command, the slave will assume a graceful position, hips turned slightly to one side, back and shoulders
erect, head turned to the left, wrists crossed behind her back in preparation for the slave bracelets or cuffs.
a girl lies on her back,knees raised, heels on the floor with her hands beside her.
kajira of Gor pg 442
slaves kneel one behind the other, wrists are chained together
Slave Girl of Gor pg 127
On her knees, slave leans on her elbows, crossing her forearms so that each palm is to the opposite elbow, flat on the
floor. her bottom is raised up and her forehead almost touches the floor as she crawls to within an inch of him in this position.
Display (or Present)
slave presents her body to her Master for inspection. she stands with her head held high, eyes lowered to the floor, legs
perfectly straight shoulder width apart with her hands laced behind her neck, elbows back as she thrusts her breasts forward.
a girl kneels in nadu, bends her body backwards, her head to the ground. she places her hands to the ground by her head
and pushes herself up into a back bend.
Marauders of Gor pg 261
Gorean Usage Position
slave falls to all fours with her thighs spread widely and her bottom thrust upward. she keeps her head straight, eyes
focused forward awaiting to be used sexually by her Master.
a girl stands feet flat on the ground, gracefully bending at the waist, so that her hair will fall forward for
display, to be shorn, seized or used for any purpose her Master desires.
Beasts of Gor pg 409
Standing, the slave moves behind and to the left of her Master's feet awaiting further instructions




High Bracelets
Prepare for binding. She stands perfectly straight with legs shoulder width apart, head held high and slightly to the
left, eyes lowered in submission as she extends her arms forward pressing her wrists together.
a slave lifts their head far back
Mercenaries of Gor pgs 308-309
High Leasha
As I'm sure you've already noticed, this is one of the many ways that a slave may prepare herself for the attachment of
Master's leash.
slave stands with her feet shoulder width apart, with her wrists crossed at the small of her back. The girl holds her
head high but turned slightly to the left, and she lowers her eyes in submission with her lips slightly apart.
position of obedience. a girl kneels on the floor spreading her thighs wide to allow her to lay her chest
upon the floor. leaning forward placing her breasts and forehead against the floor she reaches out with her
arms fully extended, palms against the ground. Ankles may be crossed or uncrossed. shows utmost respect.
Mercenaries of Gor pg 410
kneeling at Masters feet her ass on her heels she extends her arms over her head,crossing them ar the wrists. leaning
her body back she lowers her head between her arms showing Master her neck.
Hunters of Gor pg 16
Kneel to the Whip
slave pulls her hair over her left shoulder exposing her back for punishment. She kneels crossing arms over her breasts,
fingers resting upon her shoulders. she then presses her head to the floor face tucked in, awaiting the whip.
a girl stands and moves behind her Master, bending at the waist. Placing her hands behind her and puts the side of her
head to her Masters hip, so that he may easily lead her by the hair of ko-lar while he moves.
Rogue of Gor pg 248,Mercenaries of Gor pg 437
similar to the high lesha. this position is used to attach a leash. A girl kneels with her back to her Master,
her chin lifted and her head turned to the left offering Master her ko-lar. Her wrists are behind her back.
Explorers of Gor pg 76,Fighting Slave of Gor pg 366
Low Bracelets
Preparation for binding. slave kneels with thighs spread wide, back slightly arched with arms extended before her, wrists
pressed together, eyes lowered submissively.
Low Leasha
Preparation for attachment of her Master's leash. slave kneels as for "Low Bracelets", but this time she crosses
her wrists at the small of her back and turns her head to the left with her lips slightly parted.
slave kneels before Master with thighs spread wide for Master's pleasure. Back is slightly arched and shoulders back,
enhancing the beauty of her breasts. Belly is pulled in tight. The girl should hold her head high, proudly exposing her collar
while her eyes are lowered to her thighs.
Hands are typically placed upon her thighs, palms turned either upward or downward as Master prefers. This position is
used by red silk (opened or deflowered) slave.
a girl nestles into her Master when ordered to do so
Explorers of Gor pg 279
slave drops to her belly, hands by her sides, palms facing upwards as she crawls to her Master. She places her left cheek
to his feet then turns her head to kiss them showing complete obedience and submission.




Used mostly for begging entry, or for begging forgiveness. slave kneels in nadu, leaning forward pressing her forehead
and breasts to the floor with her arms gracefully outstretched along the floor over her head. swan will often use this position
to greet masters when they visit us too ;)
a girl kneels and touches her forehead to the ground streching her arms out before her with her palms down and her fingers
spread. This position is used when waiting to enter a room.
Kajira of Gor pg 157
taking short rapid steps, her legs almost straight her feet hardly leaving the ground. Her back is kept straight her head
turned to the left and her arms are kept at her sides, her palms facing outward at a 45 degree angle to her body. upon reaching
her objective she drops to her knees and assumes the nadu position.
Assassin of Gor pg 45
Similar to the "Gorean Usage Position," but not used for pleasure. slave moves to her hands and elbows, bottom
thrust high to the air, with her hands interlaced behind her head. In this position she is expected to perform all her tasks
with only her mouth and teeth to manipulate objects. She may also be taken from behind like an animal (not for pleasure) but
purely as a receptacle for her Master to empty himself into.
Slave Lips
slave raises her head up to her Master and sensuously purses her lips. She must hold this position until she is rewarded
with the kiss of her Master.
a girl lays on her back, head to the floor, a common disciplinary position
Explorers of Gor pg 202
Slaver's Kiss
Similar to "She-sleen". slave kneels upon all fours with her forehead lowered to the floor, bottom thrust upward
with her thighs widely spread. Used in preparation for the caress of the leather between her legs.
a girl stand with her back straight, head high, belly sucked in, hip turned.
Slave girl of Gor pg 249
Used when a slave begs her Master's collar. She kneels at his feet resting back on her heels, back straight, arms extended
high above her head crossed at the wrists, her head bowed in supplication between her arms.
Sexual position. slave lies flat on her back on the floor with legs spread widely, slightly flexing her left knee. Her
hands rest by her side, palms facing upwards with her eyes lowered in submission as she awaits her Master's pleasure
This position is almost identical to the sula except here a girl lifts her hips off the floor, as if beckoning
him with her body, encouraging her sexual abuse by him.
Explorers of Gor pg 329
slave falls to all fours ensuring her posture is perfect and that her hair is drawn over her left shoulder. Arms are placed
perpendicular to her body, back straight and firm, head level. She may now be used as a footstool or table.
Position is similar to nadu. slave's thighs are modestly together and her hands rest on her thighs, palms downwards or
wrists crossed over her lap.
This position is used by all white silk (virginal) slave when serving other Masters.
a girl kneels on the ground puts her head down to the floor, clasp your hands firmly behind the back of her neck.
Kajira of Gor pg 434
gracefully turning, she walks across the room, her feet hardly touching the ground. Reaching her objective she halts and
stands, her body erect. her shoulders back her breasts forward her belly in. She turns her hips out a bit, her hands at her
sides and point one foot. her head is up and her eyes are lowered.
Tribesmen of Gor pgs 332-333,Nomads of Gor pg 30
assuming the nadu position, though her arms are crossed in front of her. she leans forward and places her head to the
floor, first sweeping her hair forward over her shoulders in order that her back might be utterly exposed to the whip. Whipping
can also be done at a post. where a girl binds herself to the post.
Captive of Gor pg 200
This is Northern Gor

