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The following are some ceremonies that are used within a city or camp

Disownment Ceremony:
A parent, who is of same Caste places His/Her had on the hilt of his sword or symbol of Their Caste, the other hand is placed on the symbol of the city or homestone of the family and says the words…"This person is disowned and no longer a member of our family or caste." The person named is then without family or caste.
Hunters of Gor pg 148

Funeral Ceremony:
The common ceremony of a warrior is one where a pyre is built by his friends and caste members of ka-la-na wood, which are trimmed and squared. The pyre takes the form of a structured, tiered, truncated pyramid. Free women then carry jars of perfumed oils and sprinkle it on the pyre. The body of the Warrior is borne on the shoulders of 4 Warriors, on crossed spears, lashed together. The body is wrapped in scarlet leather. The funeral procession follows, they do not chant, or sing, or carry the boughs of ka-la-na nor play an musical instrument. At such times Goreans do not sing or speak, they are silent, for at such times words mean nothing, and would demean or insult. For Goreans there is only silence, memory and fire. A family member or one who was close to the person lights the pyre.
Dancer of Gor pg 426 & Assassin of Gor pg 2

'AND' Ceremony:
This ceremony is done between two people, Rarius usually. The more experienced or knowledgeable one usually does the asking. (before asking in Public it is Best to discuss this privately) Taking a blade and making a Honor cut on your forearm, the one you are bonding with does similar. Grasping one another's forearms allowing the blood to mingle, you state an oath.

Below is a sample oath. (can be changed by the Parties involves)

My blood and yours mingle to be one
My Honor and Your Honor become one
My foes and Your foes become one
From this day forward know that you will always have
...a sword to guard your back
...a Brother to turn to when in need matter what the need or circumstances
Till the City of Dust Claim us.
This is my Vow and Oath to you

Blood Brothers of Gor pg 475

The Branding Ceremony:
The Master secures the slave in the branding rack (shaped rather like an X-shaped table, with either snap-bracelets (manacles) for her wrists and ankles at the ends of the X, or metal rings set into the wood so her wrists and ankles might be secured with binding fiber. A removable vise-like clamp fitted with spinning twist handles to adjust the tension can be attached to the left leg platform, to hold the slave's left thigh motionless during the actual branding. The Master holds up the heated branding iron, white hot, for the slave to see and says, "You will soon be branded, girl." When the brand is ready, he holds it above here left thigh and says, "You are now to be branded, slave girl." He then brands the slave, pressing it firmly into her skin for five full Ihn (seconds), then swiftly and cleanly removes it. He examines the mark closely, hoping that it was clean and deep enough to create an excellent brand. It is common Gorean practice to allow the slave the luxury of screaming, since it is in effect her final act as free person. Sometimes assistants are standing by with small vials of oil and salve, which they then dab onto the brand to reduce chance of infection and promote faster
healing. The Master then frees the slave from the rack. Explorers of Gor pg 71

FC Ceremony:
For a Free Woman, realize that you are now under your FC. You have entrusted him to now protect you. He will take care of you. But you also lose some of the freedom you have acquired, as he is Your FC. His word does become your law. An FC can be chained to the end of the bed, usually the
Free Woman is the one chained there. When you have found the one you feel you want to FC with, there is normally an announcement made, in the room, that you are commencing to court. During that time, really get to know your partner. There is no set time limit for courting, as it is between the two of you. When you both decide this is what you want, then go to the bride to Be's Father, brother or Ubar/Jarl he will set a bride price that Must be fullfilled, when this is done you will announce a date for the ceremony.

Below is a sample contract, which can be changed.

Contract between [insert both names]
I, as [insert your name] of [insert your homestone], have the
following possessions which I bring into this relationship:
To You [name of your soon to be FC], I pledge these things:
1. To be faithful to You and Our Free Companionship
2. To uphold Your honor
3. To protect You and heal You in times of need
4. To share with You the ownership of My slaves and My
5. To honor You above ALL others
6. To bring honor to Your name and Our joined households
7. To respect You, [enter FC's name], as my Companion and
as My protector
8. To discuss with You any acquisition of new property
9. That I share with You, [enter FC's name], the decision and
responsibility, in reguard to slaves, of any harsh
punishments, branding, tattooing, and piercing.
10. To love You as my FC, Lover, Friend, and
Brother/Sister through the bad times as well as the good
This contract is for one year and it is to be renewed at the
end of the year if We both so agree.
[insert your name and homestone]
Signed this day[insert date]
Tarnsman of Gor pgs 213&216, Outlaws of Gor pg 59

Slave assumes the submission position,(kneeling in front of the Free, arms extended, wrists crossed, head falling between arm leaving the neck bare). slave then repeats the following after the Free.

The following is and example and can be changed by the Free:
I once [insert name]
herewith submit myself, completely and totally, in all things
to him who is now known here as Ubar of Kassar (or Master/Mistress)
his girl, his slave, an article of his property, his to do with as
he pleases

the Free the puts on the city kolar. The slave is then named.
Tribesmen of Gor pgs 359-360

Swearing of Oaths(coming of Age):
When coming of age Young men and women participate in a ceremony which involves the swearing of oaths, sahring of bread, fir and salt. The Homstone is held of each young person and is kissed. Only then are the laurel wreaths and the mantle of citizenship conferred. They must also pass certain examinations. In most cities the young must be vouched for by the citizens of the city which are not blood related to them and be questioned before a committee of citizens. The intent is to determine worthiness or lock of to take the HoneStone of the city as their own.
Slave Girl of Gor pg 394

Gorean Calender

En'Kara (Vernal equinox/First month)
First Passage Hand

Second Month (Known as Hesius in Ar)
Second Passage Hand

Third Month (Known as Camerius in Ar and Selnar in Ko-ro-ba)
Third Passage Hand

En'Var (Summer solstice/Fourth Month)
Fourth Passage Hand

Fifth Month
Fifth Passage Hand (Love Feast)

Sixth Month
Sixth Passage Hand

Se-Kara (Fall equinox/Seventh Month)
Seventh Passage Hand

Eighth Month
Eighth Passage Hand

Ninth Month
Ninth Passage Hand

Se'Var (Winter solstice/Tenth Month)
Tenth Passage Hand

Eleventh Month
Eleventh Passage Hand

Twelfth Month
Twelfth Passage Hand (Carnival time)
Waiting Hand


Collaring Feast - a private feast for a young tarnsman and his family and friends; held to celebrate the capture of his first slavegirl; during it, the girl formally submits to him as his slave, then proceeds to serve him at the Feast and afterwards in his quarters

Kajuralia (noun; lit. 'holiday of slaves - a festival, similar to the Feast of Fools, is which slaves trade places with their masters and have much freedom to play tricks on free persons; celebrated in most cities on the last day of the 12th Passage Hand, but in Ar and some other cities on the last day of the 5th month, the day before the Love Feast

Love Feast - common name for the 5th Passage Hand, occuring in late summer, which time is the greatest period for the sale of slaves, esp. slavegirls

Sardar fairs - huge fairs held 4 times each year at the foot of the Sardar Mountains; they coincide with the equinoxes and solstices (En'Kara, En'Var, Se'Kara, _ for the during of the Fair, the area is neutral territory: no one may be enslaved at the Fair (though slaves captured elsewhere may be sold), & no blood may be splled; serves as a trading point for information and merchandise; every Gorean is required to visit the Fair at least once before the age of 25

Tola, Feast of - the Priest-King festival celebrating the anniversary of the Nuptial Flight of the Mother

Tolam, Feast of - the Priest-King festival celebrating the anniversary of the Deposition of the First Egg

Tolama, Feast of - he Priest-King festival celebrating the anniversary of the Hatching of the First Egg

This is Northern Gor