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Sa-Tassna (noun; lit. 'life-mother') -
meat, food in general


a dried pressed biscuit described as baked in Kailiauk from Sa-tarna flour
Savages of Gor pg 328

Black Bread:
discribed as being black instead of yellow
Hunters of Gor


Arctic Gant Eggs:
found in the polar cap, eaten frozen, like an apple Beasts of Gor pg 196

Churned from Bosk or Verr milk
Marauders of Gor pg 101

Similar to Earth. Can be prepared on fruit tray, used in cooking, casseroles, so many uses.
Assassin of Gor pg 168

comes from Bosk or Verr
Nomads of Gor pgs 4-5


small eggs of the white gant
Fighting Slave of Gor pgs 275-276

Cosian Wingfish:
A small blue fish of the waters of Cos with poisonnous spines, its liver is considered a delicacy. Called wingfish due to its ability to fly above the waters of Cos for short distanceses. It may be served in any way that is suitable for small fish. Pan frying the small fish, heads removed but otherwise intact. Caution must be used when cleaning the fish, as the spines on the dorsal are poisionous and can cause quite a nasty localized reaction if one is pricked with them.
Nomads of Gor pg 23

Similar to Earth. Eel is very good fried or broiled. Add a citrus butter or tospit and butter sauce, to cut the very oily taste of the fish.
Raiders of Gor pg 114

Similar to Earth. Oysters can be steamed, fried, or used as a stuffing for other fish.

Parsit fish:
Parsit fish is somewhat like the smelt or herring of Earth. They are a slender silver fish with brown stripes, served often in Torvoldsland, and put into the slave gruel. It does not transport well fresh, but is smoked and exported to the south. Since it is so similar to smelt or herring, the best preparations would probably be frying, pickling, serving in cream sauce, or serving smoked with fruit, cheese and bread.
Marauders of Gor pg 28. 63, 64

Similar to Earth. They are small slug-like creatures that live in shells. Since their flesh is rubbery and chewey, they must be sucked out or picked out of the shells. May be eaten raw, boiled,steamed, or used as seasoning for casseroles.
Mauraders of Gor pg 62

Sorp, Vosk:
A type of shell fish. This is a shellfish found in the waters of the Vosk. It is similar to oysters of Earth as it manufactures pearls within its shell. Use this to make soups or add it to a sa-tarna stuffing.
Nomads of Gor pg 20

White Grunt:
Fish of the North. It is a large, meaty fish, which ca broiled, baked or fried. The Eggs of the White Grunt: The eggs are served like caviar, in small bowls over ice, with a tiny spoon for each bowl. Additionally, slices of tospit or lemon and small triangles of toasted sa-tarna bread, as well as grated onion and chopped hard-boiled vulo egg should be available when serving this delicacy.
Mauraders of Gor pg 59


Similar to Earth Apricots. Apricots can be served fresh, baked, or made into various cookies and cakes. Apricot can also be served as a liqueur or cordial, and as jellies, jams and preserves. Apricots, either halved or as preserves, can be used to decorate or as filling for small pastries.
Tribesman of Gor pg 45

Celane Melon:
Similar to the Honey Dew melon, served fresh, chilled and sliced.
Tribesman of Gor pg 45

Grown on the Isle of Tyros. This fruit is similar to that of Earth. Many things can be done with cherries. Can make pies, tarts, jellies, candies, or even eaten fresh.
Beasts of Gor pg 28

Assumed similar to Earth
Blood Brothers of Gor pg 46

Similar to Earth. Dates are grown in the Oasis of the Tahari, and are great served fresh on a fruit platter. The pressed- date bricks can be used to make cookies or tarts.
Tribesman of Gor pg 37

Fruit from the yellow kalana tree, used to make wine and garnishes. Can be used to make pies, tarts, and on fresh fruit platter.
Tarnsman of Gor pg 8

Two variations of this fruit hard(pit fruit) or the juicy, eaten like and apple. There are two types of larma fruit. One is a single-seeded, apple-like fruit. The other is segmented and juicy with a hard, brittle shell on the outside. A slave girl who desires the touch of a Master may kneel before him, offering a larma as her unspoken message of need. Larma is an interesting fruit. Two vastly different appearing fruits are called larma, and the way that they may be used depends on the version chosen. The hard larma is applelike in texture, and apparently in taste, as it is used to stuff the mouth of the pork-like tarsk. It is this larma that is served fried, with a browned-honey sauce, or perhaps with a honey-butter sauce. The second version of larma is more like an orange, with a hard, removable brittle shell. This version of larma is extremely juicy and sweet, and is meant to be eaten fresh. It is this version of the larma that is often offered to a Master as an unspoken plea to be used. Each segment of the larma may be separated from the others, the succulent sections fed by hand, dripping with juices.
Nomads of Gor pg 19, Players of Gor pg 267, Renegades of Gor pg 437

many different kinds mentioned only could find a description of one
Tribesman of Gor pg 45

a yellow fruit, similar to Earth. Can be used to make pies, tarts, on fruit platters, or eatten raw.
Tribesman of Gor pgs 27-28

Similar to Earth. Plums are best served fresh, on fruit trays or sliced and pitted in fruit salads. Or, when baked in brandy, the sauce can be spooned over rich meats like tarsk or over poultry, especially gamey poultry like tumit.
Tribesman of Gor pg 45

Assumed similar to Earth. Used as on Earth in cooking.
Savages of Gor pg 233

Raisins and be used in a great variety of ways. They can be used in fresh fruit platters or in cooking. They are wonderful added to breads before cooking, to stews they can spice them up and with other spices and onions to enhance the flavors.
Tarnsman of Gor Pg. 45

Small reddish fruit found in the wild, plumlike, but with edible seeds. Ramberries are a great favorite among the girls. Among the many options for serving ramberry are as Tarts, jellies, served fresh with cream, crushed and added to juice blends, served over shortcakes or slices of sa-tarna soaked in milk and sugar, pies. Many find it rather amusing to fling ramberries at others, of course, then that person flings them back even worse.
Captive of Gor pg 305

Similar to apples of Earth

Ta grapes:
From the Isle of Cos, small, purple grapes ressemble those of Earth. These grapes are used to make Ta-Wine. They are tart, but do go well on a fruit platter and with cheeses and bread.
Priest Kings of Gor pg 45, Players of Gor pg 291

A yellow peach like fruit about the size of a plum, very bitter. Tospit is a bitter, small fruit. Among the Nomads of the Plains, and even occasionally in the Cities, it is used to make wagers on the number of seeds ( the number of odd seeds, since most tospits have and odd number of seeds). The most common variety of tospit is a short-stemmed version. In the serveries of V/T Gor, it has been common to treat tospit like lemons, serving a juice from them that is similar to lemonade, though it must assuredly be sweetened and diluted before serving, as it is, in its natural state, extremely bitter. Tospit, sliced thin or as juice, may also be combined with butter, or lightly sauteed in butter to be served atop vegetables or fish, especially nice over fish to cut the oily taste of some of the smaller Gorean fish.
Nomads of Gor pgs 8 & 149, Mauraders of Gor pg. 289, Tribesman of Gor, pgs 37, 46


Similar to Earth beef. Bosk are rather large, ox-like creatures, raised primarily by the Wagon Peoples. Bosk meat, and bosk veal meat may be prepared in almost any form. Steaks and roasts may be cut from the meat, it may be used in stews, sauces, casseroles, ground into patties, loaves, baked, broiled, grilled, braised, fried. Any other way you can find I'm sure will be acceptable.
Outlaw of Gor pg 45

A relative to the bosk, can be prepared in a variety of ways, including dried into jerky
Savages of Gor pg 50, Blood Brothers of Gor pg 46

One horned antelope-like animal known for its sweet meat, is the Northern Tabuk. It is much more lean than a bosk and fattier than the southern tabuk. The Northern Tabuk is alot larger, with a shaggy light coat. The Southern Tabuk is much smaller, with a pale yellow short pelt.
Tribesman of Gor pg 145, Beasts of Gor pg 152

Similar to an Earth pig. Most often Tarsk is roasted. Left over tarsk could be made into casseroles. You could ground tarsk meat and make into patties to fry.
Raiders of Gor pg 44, Assissan of Gor pg 87

Resembles Earth goats, also raised for milk used to make cheeses and butter. It is very strong tasting when prepared as a meat, with a high, strongly flavored oil content. It is best served with relishes or strong salty cheeses, with olives, or with vegetables, and well seasoned with mint, rosemary, garlic and/or tarragon.
Tribesman of Gor pg 48


Assumed similar to Earth. Used in a variety of ways.
Tribesman of Gor pg 47


bond-maid gruel -
see slave porridge

soft, rounded, succelent candies covered with a coating of syrup of fudge on a stick
Dancer of Gor pg 81

Similar to Earth. Very thick and sweet. Used in cooking and for dipping and sauces, and even noted to be used medically.
Marauders of Gor pg 81

Mint Sticks:
Assumed Similar to Earth
Explorers of Gor pg 10

made mainly of dried kailiauk meat and fruit
Blood Brother of Gor pg 46

A plant of the marshes of the Vosk Delta. The pith is used to make paste, fried into cakes, used for making rence beer as well.
Raiders of Gor pg 44

second wine -
see breeding wine

Slave gruel:
A mixture of Sa-tarna grain and water fed to slaves. In Torvaldsland raw fish is added. In Kassar, slaves eat the same foods the Frees eat.
Marauders of Gor pg 65

Similar to Earth
Assassin of Gor pg 141

Gorean vegetable soup. The principal ingredient is Golden Suls, patches of these would be added, also cabbage, peas, onions and any other various vegetables available.
Priest Kings of Gor pg 45 and 48

A principal ingredient in Sullage, A parasite plant of the Tur tree, leaves are red and curly.
Priest Kings of Gor pg 45

A yellow grain that is the staple of Gor, used to make bread and other pasteries
Tarnsman of Gor pg 43, Tribesman of Gor pg 37, Outlaw of Gor pg 76


Similat to the Earth duck. The Marsh Gant is an aquatic fowl apparently akin to duck. It is small, web-footed and horned. It is hunted by Marsh girls and/or Rencers for food, and it is unclear whether it is exported outside of the marshes. However, with the proximity to Port Kar and the trade plyed through the marshes it is likely that this meat is available through some portion of Gor on occasion. If the opportunity presents to serve it, think about roasting it on a spit, where the skin can crisp well and the layer of fat beneath the skin is able to drain away a bit. Basting with ramberry or peach jelly makes a wonderful glaze.
Raiders of Gor pg 4

A large carnivorous flightless bird, eaten by the wagon people. Tumits are hunted only among the Wagon Peoples, and are not exported as the Hunt is a test of bravery, and not commercially feasible.
Nomads of Gor pg 2, 331

A pigeon like bird from wich small eggs are gatherd, can be eaten much like an Earth chicken. There are inconsistencies about Vulo's in the books......some make then sound like 'chickens' others, more like small 'cornish hens'. Either way, they can be cooked as you would any chicken. Use a variety of ways.........frying, baking, broiling, stews, soups, sandwiches, casseroles.
Nomads of Gor pgs 1 & 83


Similar to Earth. Used to spice foods.
Outlaw of Gor pg 29

Small shrub which grows in sandy soils. Its roots are a main ingredient in Sullage. Kes is an excellent salt and seasoning replacement, though uncommon in the north, as it prefers a sandy, dry soil.
Priest Kings of Gor pg 45

From the Cities of Tor and Tyros, Tyros producing the red variety
Assassin of Gor pg 168, Raiders of Gor pg 114

From the mines of Klima, Salt on Gor comes in various colors
Tribesman of Gor pg 238, Marauders of Gor pgs 186-187, Assassin of Gor pg 89

Assumed spices Similar as on Earth
Explorers of Gor pg 98

Two different colors of sugar white and yellow
Tribesman on Gor pg 89, Rogue of Gor pg 132


Assumed similar to Earth. Used cooked as vegetable, or add to soups, stews, or casseroles.
Marauders of Gor pg 67

similar to Earth beans. They can be used in a variety of ways. Use then by themselves, or add to many dishes and casseroles.
Tribesman of Gor pg 37

Similar to Earth. Used as you would use them when cooking on Earth.
Tribesman of Gor pg 37

Assumed similar to Earth. Cooked and used in same manner as on Earth.
Savages of Gor pg 233

Golden Suls:
The principal ingredients of Sullage are the Golden Sul, the starchy, golden brown, vine-borne fruit of the golden leaved Sul plant.
Priest Kings pg. 48

A foliated leaf Vegetable, similar to spinach, or chard-like vegetable. You can steam it, use in stews, or casseroles.
Tribesman of Gor pg 37

A yellow fibours vegetable usually served sliced with melted cheese and nutmeg. It is brownish skinned, thick skinned, sphere shaped vegetable, the interior is yellowish-fiberous and heavily seeded.
Tribesman of Gor pg 37

Similar to Earth. Used as on Earth in cooking.
Mercenaries of Gor pg 83

Assumed similar to Earth and used the same as would on Earth.
Tribesmen of Gor pg 37

Similar to Earth and would be cooked the same as on Earth.
Outlaw of Gor pg 29, Assassin of Gor pg 87

Assumed similar to Earth. Used in cooking or just to eat.
Tribesman of Gor pg 46

Sphere and cylinder varities.
Tribesman of Gor pg 37

Similar to Earth. Used in casseroles or as a dish.
Players of Gor pgs 379-380

Assumed similar to Earth. Used as on Earth in cooking.
Savages of Gor pg 233

A root vegetable much like the Earth potato. Also they are prepared the same as on Earth. However, wagon camps do not eat Suls, or anything grown in the ground with roots.
Dancer of Gor pg 80, Assassin of Gor pg 168

Assumed Similar to Earth
Blood Brother of Gor pg 124, Tribesman of Gor pg 37



This is Northern Gor