
Is close to a honey lager, deep gold in color. Ale is brewed from Sa-tarna(like wheat)and wild grains, it has a slighty
bitter taste....Served in a horn or tankard from a cask. Marauders of Gor pgs 82-83, 99, 191 & 194
A herbal tea made from bazi tea leaves, steeping in hot water, it is served very hot and sugared...it is served at the
feet of the Free in three little cups, heavily sugared, and each cup served one right after the other quickly, for in Nomads
of Gor it clearly states it was thought to warm the Free up,and nothing about age of the person, so you take the pot of water,
you make the three "teabags" up in the serving wagon, by taking the can of bazi tea leaves, crushing a few in thin
squares of repcloth, tying them off, and making teabags, you place the tea bags on the tray, along with the three cups, go
to the feet of the free, sit the tray down, add a teabag in each cup pour the water over each, allow to steep a few minutes,
then you take the bags out add sugar and serve the first, then second and then third cup..... there is
always iced bazi tea made in a pitcher you add what someone wishes....if ice tea is asked for that is, one can serve that
in a goblet.Beasts of Gor pgs 206, 209 & 212
Similar to earth coffee, brewed from fresh dark bean grown in the mountains of Thentis...served in a mug either 1st slave(cream
and sugar) or 2nd slave(black) , why because blackwine was very expensive, strong and bitter, ,if the Free does not say, first
or second or sweet and light, or black and bowls of white and yellow sugar , glass of milk, from the cold house, you can
pour the brew into the mug, prepare as asked then serve,Assassins of Gor pgs 106-107, Tribeman of Gor pg 89, Slave Girl of
Gor pg 73 & Beasts of Gor pgs 20-21
A beverage which conteracts slave wine, making a slave girl fertile also called second wine...served in a chipped wooden
cup Blood Brother of Gor pg 319
a sweet, rich thick and creamy milk...served in a goblet Blood Brothers of Gor pg 319
made from beans brought back from one of the early voyages of acquistion, can be chilled or hot..servedchilled in a goblet,
hot in a mug Kajira of Gor pg 61
A sweet red wine imported...served in a goblet Rogue of Gor pg 257
A reddish color with a strong salty taste...served in a goblet Tribesman of Gor pg 71
A sweet ruby red wine made from fruit of the ka-la-na tree can be served either chilled or room temperature or mulled(warm
with some spices added) make sure to ask how They want it...served in a goblet Tarnsman of Gor pgs 22-23, Captive of Gor pg
Kalana is served room temp or cold. Usually it is served in goblet.
An almost scalding hot drink made from distilled ka-la-na mixed with fruit juices such as tospit and larma with hot spices...served
in a bowl Tarnsman of Gor pg 170
Kalda could be spiced up even more by adding sticks of cinnamon to the bowl,
Juice made from the larma fruit...erved in a goblet Mercenaries of Gor pg 257
This juice would be served in a goblet or mug if preferred. Usually served cold.
Fermented honey, water and often spices. It is very strong and sweet.Marauders of Gor pgs 78,89 & 90, Vagabonds of
Gor pg 16
Mead is kept in a cask in the cold house.It is served in whichever is preferred.....a Horn, Tankard, room temp or cold.
A fermented alcohol. There are two kinds: SUL PAGA: made from suls, its clear in color and strong in taste much like moonshine.
SA PAGA: made from sa-tarna grain, it is amber and clear in color much like whiskey...both are served in a bowl from a bottle
at Masters feet, may be served warm or chilled Tarnsman of Gor pg 59, Slave Girl of Gor pg 134
Either one may be served from 3 footed bowl, or if One asks a goblet may be used as well. It may be served warmed, cold.
or room temperature.
Clear wine made from the palm leaf fruits and export of Schendi. Explorers of Gor pgs 115 & 429
May be served in goblet and either cold or room temperature.
It is steeped, boiled, fermented from the crushed seeds of the Rence Plant.Also pith of the rence plant is used, by raking
out the whitish part from the inside.. Raiders of Gor pg 18
Rence Beer is a clear colored light beer, much like the American beers. Can be served cold or room temp. Kept in casks.
Serve in Tankards.
Brewed from bitter herbs...sip root...used for slave conterceptive, taken once a month...served in a chipped wooden bowls
from a kettle by the fires Marauders of Gor
A red wine made from Ta-grapes from the Isle of Cos...served at room temperature in a goblet. Fighting Slave of Gor pg
A thick, sweet liquor from Turia, considered the best of Gor...served in tiny goblets Guardmen of Gor pgs 237 & 259
A sweet syrupy wine of Turia, flavored and sugared to the point where it could leave a mark on the surface...served in
a goblet Gaurdsman of Gor pg 259, Nomads of Gor pags 83-84
Like goats milk of earth...served in tiny brass cups. Savages of Gor pg 61
Spring water from the mountains or from the Liana vine or carpet plants from the rain forest area, inland of Schendi...served
in a goblet. Explorers of Gor pg 311
Light in color and taste, note it is not refered to as ka-la-na, simply wine...served in a goblet. Fighting Slave of
Gor pgs 275-276

